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Advanced Dungeon & Dragons
List of New Monsters
Monster A S M Hit AC T Special Special Exp.
Name l i o Dice H Attacks Defenses Pts.
z v A
e e CO
Aerophant N L 24 10 4 14 Trunk, trample Immune to Cold 2200
Sodius CE M 15 5+1 3 16 Drain Salt none 475
Concord CN L 12 9+1 -1 11 strafing run none 1800
Tarkon CN L 12 7 3 12 Poison tail 50% mag. resist 1000
Cyclic CE M 12 6 4 15 none Immune to cold 475
Spamalope CN S 12 4 2 17 none none 180
Grey(Ash)Dragon NE L 24 12+1 -3 10 Breath,Poison none 6000
Ice Wraith CE M 18 9 -5 12 Breath need +1 weapon 2500
Demi-Shadow E M 20 14 -2 9 Spell casting need +3 weapon 7500
Mud Golem CE L 12 90hp 4 9 none need +2 weapon 5500
Stone Dragon CE L 12 18 -5 8 Sandblast need +3 weapon 15000
Prismatic Dragn LE L 48 40 99 5 Breath & Spells AC -10 0
Hoolk N L 15 5-7 3 15 Poison None 700
Ploorian NE L 15 11 4 12 None None 3300
Grendel N L 45 5-20 -2 0 Charge,Impale Speed 0
True Troll NE L 30 20 -1 8 Throat Rip Dam. Reduction 13000
Animator NE M 6 9+5 2 9 Par.+Animation +1 weap. to hit 3200
Alien NE L 15 10 -1 9 Acid Immune to acid 18000
Phirth CN S 99 7 5 9 Charm See below 1300
Silver Twist N L 12 4 7 17 Transportation Transportation 175
Monster's Description
Aerophant This creature looks like an elephant with wings.
It attacks in two ways: either wrapping its trunk
around the opponent and throwing the opponent to
the ground (d10+3), or trampling (3d10). It will
automatically attempt to CHARM any characters it
meets, and generally is of GOOD alignment (the
CHARM is for defensive purposes only - however, if
it is under the influence of another players
charm, that charm can be "forwarded" to other
Creator: Mark Oliver (LCO102@URIACC)
Sodius This creature is exactly like the "Salt Creature"
in the Star Trek episode "The Man Trap" (a.k.a.
"The UnReal McCoy"). It can shapechange (like a
Doppleganger) into any creature that its victim
knows (past or present). The Sodius' main goal is
to hypnotize (-2 to save) it's victim, and then
draw the salt out of its victim. The victim loses
1 point of Constitution per round until either (1)
the sodius stops, or (2) the victim loses ALL its
Consitution, in which case it dies (resurrection
possible). The victim can regain its Con by
resting (1 point per day) or eating food with salt
in it (1 point per 6 rounds). If forced to fight,
the Sodius does 2-12 damage with its open hand (2
attacks per round). REMEMBER THAT WATER HAS NO
Creator: Mark Oliver (LCO102@URIACC)
Concord This creature has the body and wings of an eagle,
and the head of a ram (the head is AC2). It has
black slitted eyes (at DM's discretion,can
paralyze), and a thin pointed tail (can strike for
d4 damage, save vs. poison). The normal attack of
the creature is to do a "strafing run", where the
Concord swoops down on an opponent and rakes its
claws on the victim as it flies by (3d4 damage).
It can also charge like a ram and use its horns
for d6 damage. The Concord LOVES elves! It will
ALWAYS attempt to subdue an elf first, because it
considers them a delicacy. It can secrete an odor
that repells all races except elves (who are
attracted to the smell). If necessary (or
applicable), the Concord can also gate in 1-10
more Concords 25% of the time.
Creator: Mark Oliver (LCO102@URIACC)
Tarkon This creature dwells in the mountains of cold
regions. It has a crocodile head and a rat-like
body (it is bipedal). It has a long barbed tail,
and has claws for hands and feet, and has greenish
fur. A normal attack for the Tarkon is to attempt
to grab its opponent with both claws (d6+3 damage
per claw, 2 attacks per round) and hold it. If
both claws hit, the opponent is "held", and the
Tarkon will sting it with its tail (d4 damage,
save vs. poison). It is immune to ALL cold
attacks and has a 50% magic resistance.
Creator: Mark Oliver (LCO102@URIACC)
Cyclic This creature looks like a man that has been
frozen solid, except for a pair of albino "eyes".
It is formed almost entirely of living ice. The
cyclic can attack with two "arms" for 2d6 damage
(2 attacks/round). It is immune to all cold
attacks, but takes double damage on all fire
attacks (the touch of a lit torch would probably
do d4 damage).
Creator: Mark Oliver (LCO102@URIACC)
Spamalope The Spamalope is a can of SPAM with antlers and
legs (this originally was an inside joke of some
sort). They are usually found in groups of 6-12,
and will be gathered around a Hormel Ham
worshipping it. The Ham is their only treasure,
and it is worth 5gp. The Ham is edible, the
Spamalope is not.
Creator: Sam Huntsman (SH06078@UAFSYSB)
Grey(Ash)Dragon Grey Dragons are far less intelligent than other
evil dragons. They very rarely can speak, and
never have spell casting abilities. They make up
for this lack of brains with their size and
viciousness. The breath weapon of a grey dragon
is a cloud of foul-smelling gas, which causes
choking for d4 rounds as a Stinking Cloud (save
vs. spell negates) and will age the victim d20
years (save vs. spell negates). This power of
aging and decay also affects claw and bite wounds.
Any wounds caused in this manner will heal at
half normal rate unless a Cure Disease spell is
first used (e.g. a Cure Light Wounds which would
normally heal 8 pts. of damage will only heal 4).
Any armor, shields, or edged weapons may corrode
and crumble to dust, due to the Dragon's corrosive
demeanor (magical weapons will be at a plus to
save). Because of the Dragon's corrosive nature,
their treasures tend to be gems and powerful magic
items only.
Creator: Rob Sanders (Y13RCS1@NIU)
Ice Wraith The Ice Wraith is a creature that resembles a
man-shaped cloud of mist. It survives by draining
all heat from any available source near it (for
example, a campfire. Because of this, cold-based
attacks do double damage and heat-based attacks
HEAL the Ice Wraith for half the damage points the
attack would normally cause. A +1 or better
weapon is required to hit, but any metal weapon
passing through the creature will become intensely
cold and may be dropped. The Wraith can cast
Affect Normal Fires to make a heat source hotter,
but this will cause the fire's fuel source to be
consumed more quickly. Of course, body heat is
also an acceptable source of heat for these
creatures, so if a PC tries to douse his campfire
to get rid of the Wraith, he may be in for an
unpleasant surprise...
Creator: Rob Sanders (Y13RCS1@NIU)
Demi-Shadow A Demi-Shadow is an alternative to a lich for a
magic-user (MU). A spell caster can, through the
use of a shadow lanthorn, a Time Stop spell, a
protective encasement for his body, and various
other components, preserve his body forever while
his mind roams free in shadow form. A Demi-Shadow
appears as an ordinary shadow (the monster), but
somewhat more substantial. His touch drains d6
points of strength or dexterity (divided evenly
between the two) for d20 rounds. A +3 weapon is
needed to hit, and the Demi-Shadow is immune to
all spells except the following:
Fireball & Lightning-1/4 damage
Light -d20 damage
Continual Light -d20+d10/round not dispelled
The Demi-Shadow may use all spells he had when
"alive" (except any that produce light). He will
only be found in areas of darkness and will avoid
lighted areas (unless he can use a Darkness spell,
which is an inate ability). At 0 hit points, the
Demi-Shadow will flee to his physical body, which
will awake in d10 rounds as a VERY angry MU. Any
spells cast while in Demi-Shadow form are used up
in MU form as well (he doesn't get the spells back).
Creator: Rob Sanders (Y13RCS1@NIU)
Mud Golem A Mud Golem resembles a stone golem, whith the
obious exception that he is made entirely of mud.
A mud golem may not change his shape at all; his
substance is malleable but always retains the same
structure. A +2 weapon is required to hit;
anything less just passes through the mud without
doing any damage. Fire-based and cold-based
spells do half damage and may harden an area of
the golem's body. The hardened area may be hit
with normal weapons for half damage, and a spell
of the opposite temperature cast the following
round may shatter that part of the body. No other
spells have any effect.
Creator: Rob Sanders (Y13RCS1@NIU)
Stone Dragon A Stone Dragon is just that - a large dragon made
entirely (to all outward appearances) of stone.
They are only found in one size (as opposed to
other dragons) and age group, and originate on the
elemental plane of earth. They are too slow and
stupid to cast spells, but most can learn one or
two languages. The breath weapon of a Stone
Dragon is a sandblast in a 60 degree cone for up
to 100 feet. The sand does d20 damage, may blind
the victim (save vs. petrification), and may get
in the mouth and lungs and choke the victim (no
action for d4 rounds - save vs. petrification
again). A +3 weapon is required to hit the stony
hide of this dragon. It has a 30% magic
resistance and only hoards jewels as its treasure.
It is too heavy to fly. The spells
Stone-to-Flesh and Stone-to-Mud raise the Armor
Class of the affected area of the dragon to 1.
The Dig spell causes d4 times the level of the
Mage casting the spell.
Creator: Rob Sanders (Y13RCS1@NIU)
Prismatic Dragn The Prismatic Dragon (Diamar) is a unique creature
that inhabits the first layer of tne Nine Hells
(he was created as a replacement for Tiamat, who
was "permanently slain" in the author's campaign,
but could work equally well as her prime consort).
He derives his name from the crystal-like scales
that cover his 150 foot body. These scales
glitter when struck by light, producing a Hypnotic
Pattern-like effect. The scales also provide
immunity to fire, electric, and acid attacks, and
take only half damage from cold-based attacks
(observant PC's will notice that during cold
attacks, Diamar will close his eyes and mouth to
protect them from damage). Diamar also has claws
of sharpness (as the sword) and a highly venomous
bite (save vs. poison at -5). He can use the
breath weapon of any evil dragon, provided it is a
color dragon. He has the spell casting abilities
of a 30th level MU, a 20th level illusionist, and
a 15th level Wu Jen (Oriental Adventures), and has
a magic resistance of 75%. As a lesser power (as
if he's not bad enough already!), he can use the
following spell-like abilities once per round:
Polymorph Self, Charm Person, Dispel Magic, Know
Align. Teleport, Suggestion. He also has the
following innate abilities: Vocalise, Detect Lie,
Detect Invisible, Read Magic, Read Languages. He
has both a wisdom and intelligence of 20, a
charisma of 21, and a comeliness of 22. His
single greatest weakness is his vanity. He will
never polymorph into anything he considers ugly.
A clever MU once bought escape for his entire
party by molding a large diamond into a small
statue of Diamar and presented it to him. Diamar
was so flattered he let the entire party pass
unharmed! He prefers to use spells that reflect
his nature, like Prismatic Spray, Prismatic Wall,
and Chromatic Orb. He should be played as very
intelligent, very proud, very evil, and VERY
DANGEROUS. Diamar has 300 hit points, 40 Hit
Dice, and has a suggested EP value of 80,000 (if
killed "permanently", EP should be 800,000).
Creator: Rob Sanders (Y13RCS1@NIU)
Hoolk The Hoolk is the result of genetic
experimentation. This creature inhabits any
region of temperate or warmer climate. The Hoolk
are always humgry and prefer human meat. It will
continue to attack until dead, and attacks with
poisonous claws and fangs. When encountered in
their lair, double the numbers will be present
along with 1-2 young (20-80% grown) plus a
"leader" that gets +1 per die on hit points and +1
to hit, damage, and saving throws. Hoolk are
humanoid reptiles with wings. Their scales are
green and their heads are smooth. The eyes are
yellow and look like the eyes of a snake. In
proportion, the build of a hoolk is larger than
almost any human of comparable size (8 feet tall).
Creator: Gary Samek <C133GES@UTARLVM1>
Ploorian Ploorians are half evil cloud giant and half
elephant. Ploorians have lost the ability to
levitate. The Ploorians hate all other life
forms, especially cloud giants. They are thought
to be the last remnants of several thousands of
cloud giants that dared to confront the gods and
demand equal status. The gods punished the giants
by torture and then cursed them with the elephants
that the giants used as pack beasts. Ploorians
have a keen sense of smell and are suprised only
on a 1. In any group, one will be considered as
"chief" (AC 3, 12 hit dice, very intelligent).
Ploorians are 18 feet tall and appear to be a
giant/elephant representation of a centaur; the
elephant half is normal, but the giant half has a
light blue skin and silver hair. It is suspected
that the Ploorians will band with the fire and
frost giants against the gods in the battle of
Ploorians are 10% magic resistant.
STR: 23 INT: 9 (chief: 11) WIS: 11 DEX: 10
CON: 15 CHR: 3
(* Concept derived from the Lensman series by E.
E. Doc Smith *)
Creator: Gary Samek <C133GES@UTARLVM1>
Grendel These amphibians appear much like stegosauri, only
smaller and lower, and with big pointed teeth.
Curious, intelligent (IQ of about 75) and
omnivorous, they have recial memory passed down
through DNA/RNA and can understand relatively
advanced concepts, such as revenge. They
generally range out from a deep pool or
slow-moving river, where they spend most of their
time, if they smell any disturbance (very good
sense of smell, both in water and in air). They
are extremely territorial. If attacked or
attacking, they can speed up their metabolism many
times over, increasing their running speed to as
much as 100 mph. In this mode they act as if
doubly Hasted and move at 300". This Speed drops
their AC to -10 (DEX bonus). They may attack up
to 4 different targets while on Speed. The
effects last from 2-7 rounds and the Grendel will
start to "overheat" after the 3rd round of Speed.
There is a 30% chance per round after the 3rd that
the Grendel will overheat and drop dead in its
tracks. This happens automatically after the 7th
round. This heat sensitivity while on Speed
causes it to take double damage from fire or heat
attacks, while cold based attacks will allow it
another 2-7 rounds of Speed (start over), but do
normal damage due to the sudden temperature
Any character with Infravision who sees a Grendel
going on Speed must save vx. Paralyzation at -3 or
be blinded in the Infrared spectrum for d4 rounds.
While on Speed, a Grendel may dodge up to 4
missle attacks per round as if it were a Monk of
9th level. If it is raining or very foggy, the
chance of overheating in only 5% per round, and
the Grendel can go up to 12 rounds before
dropping. If immersed in water or snow, the
chance is only 2% per round (starting on the 10th
round), and the Grendel can go up to the 20th
round before dropping.
If the tail attack is a natural 19 or 20, the
victim is impaled unless he can roll under half
his DEX on a d20 (round down). When impaled, the
victim loses d4 hit points per round in blood,
loses and DEX bonus to AC, and all atacks are at
-5 to hit and -1 on damage. To disengage from the
spikes, the victim must roll under half his STR on
a d20 (round down).
On a Speeded Charge, the prey of a Grendel must
roll for surprise (1-4) or be knocked down for 1-2
rounds and take d6 hit points. This is in
addition to any attacks from the Grendel. A
Grendel will normally keep fighting until it is at
25% of normal hit points or for 3d4 rounds.
Grendels are solitary, meeting only to spawn. The
young are born alive in water, and are fishlike
and very small (less than 1" at birth). Often
50,000 will be born at once. Once they are 6" or
longer, the adults will eat them if no other food
is available. After about 3 or 4 months they
become amphibious and are recognizable as being
Grendels, and will crawl up on the land and attack
and eat everything in sight, including each other!
Young get no special Charge attack.
Creator: Jeff Fulford (care of Charlie Fineberg
True Troll The True Troll seems to be the oldest member of
the troll family, and the base stock from which
the others sprang. While lacking the regenerative
powers of its evil offspring, the True Troll is
perhaps even more dangerous, for it is resistant
to the spells of all but the most powerful mages
and clerics, and because of their thick, stony
hide and inherent toughness, take only 1 point of
damage for every 2 points done (50% damage
reduction). True Trolls are usually found in
deserted fens, far from civilization, and although
they will occasionally raid isolated settlements,
their numbers have been reduced to the point where
they do not pose a threat to society--as opposed
to wandering adventurers. Greedy, blookthirsty,
and mean, they love to tast the blood and flesh of
humans and demihumans, often pausing for a round
in combat to rip the throat out of a victim
(requires two claw hits the previous round). If
this attack (bite) is succesful, the hapless
victim loses all but 1d4 hit points and loses 1
hit point every round thereafter until dead or
healed. Even then, the victim is incapable of
speech or eating solid foods for 2-8 weeks, or
until healed through regeneration. True Trolls
have both infra- and ultravision with a range of
90'. They speak the languages of trolls, ogres,
orcs, and the local common speech (25% of the
time). One in 20 (5%) will be magic-user,
specializing in necromantic spells and summoning.
If using weapons, they prefer the two-handed sword
or halberd (with which they are +5 to hit and +13
on damage).
Creator: Jeff Howe (care of Charlie Fineberg
Animator Animators are vicious creatures who kill for the
pleasure of doing it. Their appearance resembles
that of a lich, but with a spectral look. They
usually don't leave their lairs, in which they
never keep treasure. However, since they're found
in unaccessible places (dungeons and ruins), there
is a good chance of finding magic items from their
unfortunate victims:
30% - Magic Weapon
20% - Magic Shield or Armor
10% - Potion
05% - Miscellaneous
The animator can attack with 2 claws, each of
which inflicts a cold chill causing 2-12 damage,
plus paralysis unless a save is made. However,
they normally attack by animating objects to
attack the party. The animated object can be any
smaller than human size, and it will attack as a
living creature (not as a throw object). The
animated object(s) will usually be stones, logs,
or anything in sight. All objects will take 25 HP
of damage before being destroyed, and will have 2
attacks per round, each doing 1-8 HP. An animator
can control up to 5 objects in a range of 120". If
an object is destroyed, the Animator will
automatically take control of another.
The animator is immune to all non-magical weapons
and missiles. It is also immune to all spells
affecting the mind, and cannot be turned (because
it's not undead).
Creator: J. Anotonio Chavez (BL197903@TECMTYVM)
Alien These horrible creatures are found in the deepest
of caverns where they prey on unsuspecting
adventurers. They have 60' infravision. If found
in a group there will be from 5-20 leather
egg-like sacks which pulsate when approached. The
eggs contain the face huggers (FH). The FH will
attempt to attach to the mouth of a victim and
deposit an egg in the victims body. Once attached
to a victim the FH must be cut off, releasing the
alien's acid upon the vitim, inflicting 1d4 of
acid damage per round until washed off. It takes 6
turns for the FH to deposit its egg. A Cure
Disease will kill the FH with no ill effects if
done within 3 turns. A Cone of Cold will cause
dormancy in the egg sacks for 2d6 days.
The egg will mature in to chest burster (CB) in
1d3 days. The CB will come out of the victims body
via the chest (hence the name). The victim is
killed instantly, no save! The victim may be
resurrected only if a Heal is performed first. The
CB matures into an Alien.
Full grown Aliens attack with their claws, bite,
and tail (-3 to hit). The mouth attack inflicts an
additional 3d4 of acid damage per round until
washed off. Anyone viewing an Alien from the front
must save vs. magic or be rigid with fright for
1d6 rounds. The Alien is not affected by charm,
sleep, feeblemind, polymorph, cold, insanity,
death spells/symbols, but take +3 damage from fire
and electricity.
Clearly the acid damage is the worst aspect of
these creatures. All acid damage may be halved if
a save is made against breath weapon. Any hit upon
an Alien causes a spray of acid in a 5' radius
(all in range take 3d4 points of damage per round
until the acid is washed off). The Aliens
communicate telepathically. They are VERY smart
and cunning.
Creator: "ToeJam" (C471040@UMCVMB)
Phirth The Phirth is an ethereal creature with the
equivalent of a Prime Material Plane Box of
Holding. Their main attack is to grab out of their
box when it is opened by a curious victim. The
strength of a Phirth is 16. Any victim caught with
strength < 16 is steadily pulled into the box at
the rate of (16 - Str) feet per round. If the
victim's strength is 16 he/she can hold out for a
number of rounds equal to his/her constitution
before being pulled in a the rate of Str=15. 17
Strength breaks free in 5 rounds. 18+ Strength
breaks free on a successful roll of 1d20 under 18.
The Phirth attempts to charm its victim. If a save
vs. spell is not made the victim will not attempt
to save him/herself for 1d4 rounds. Damage done is
based upon resistance - full resistance is 1d3 per
round, drag is 1d2 per round, or no damage for no
resistance. Phirths move by teleporting to
convenient places in hopes of finding victims. The
Phirth can't open its own box, just shut it.
Silver Twist A silver twist is considered more of an odd
phenomenon than a monster. The twists are thought
to be the result of a backfired experiment in
magic. Appearing as a constantly shimmering mobius
strip, the twist can stretch into a fairly thin
12' long x 2' wide rectangle or expand outward
into a 12' diameter x 2' depth cylinder. Its size
and relatively clumsy means of locomotion make it
an easy target.
The danger associated with it comes from the
twist's magic. If a successful strike is made by
the twist, the victim is transported to a random
location as if a Dimension Door spell was cast
upon the victim. If a character strikes the silver
twist, there is a 2 in 6 chance that the character
will be equally affected by a Dimension Door. The
effect of the Dimension Door is as if a 15th level
mage cast it to its maximum distance of 450 yards
(1350 feet). There is, however, a random direction
associated with the effect. Roll 2d8 (one at a
time) and use the table below to determine where
in 3 dimensional space the receiver goes:
1st die Direction Theta 2nd die Direction Phi
1 North 90 1 Up 0
2 NorthEast 45 2 Up 45
3 East 0 3 Flat 90
4 SouthEast 315 4 Down 135
5 South 270 5 Down 180
6 SouthWest 225 6 Down 225
7 West 180 7 Flat 270
8 NorthWest 135 8 Up 315
* Radius of Rho = 450 Yards (1450 Feet)
* Location in 3-dimensional space is given by:
X = Rho * Sin(Phi) * Cos(Theta)
Y = Rho * Sin(Phi) * Sin(Theta)
Z = Rho * Cos(Phi)
* Double check the calculation with the formula:
Rho = Sqrt( X**2 + Y**2 + Z**2 )
The first die roll gives the direction in the X-Y
plane for the first point of reference; the second
roll gives the direction in a plane perpendicular
to the X-Y plane. The point determined is the
destination for the victim/striker. A truly
vicious alternative is to have two more dice
rolled to determine the bodily orientation once
the destination is reached (you can make this
table up on your own). If the destination point is
found to be a solid object, then the "Astral
Plane" rule of Dimension Door applies. The weight
restriction rules of Dimension Door also apply.
The best way to oppose a silver twist is to attack
it in a non-pysical (magical) manner. Better
still, running away never hurts.
Creator: Jeff Contompasis <JCONTOMP@TUFTS>